Reporting & Communications
This section contains templates to help you report project status and communicate about you project.

The simple status report outline is for use in a weekly email. It's a PDF so you will have to retype (or copy/paste and edit) into your own editing software or email package once you've downloaded it from the resources box on this page. Note that this is a simple status reports designed for straightforward projects. For detailed advice on how to report on your projects, and templates for more complicated projects, check out my complete guide to project reporting.

Download the communications plan template from the resources box on this page, and then head over to my introduction to communications plans to help you complete it.

As you go through the project, you'll hear about lessons learned that need to be captured and implemented to facilitate continuous process improvement. If you hold specific lessons learned meetings, the lessons learned agenda template will be perfect for you. Download it from the resources box on this page and then find out how to use it here.